Creating A Visually Appealing Decorative Wall and Space

Decorating your home should be a peaceful and visually appealing time. You do not want to just throw a whole bunch of nonsense on your walls and call it a day. Everything should work together as a cohesive design pattern. When it comes to design there are a few things to take into consideration first.

What exactly is your style? If you lean more towards to modern, then you might want to stick with that and include a lot of modern and minimalist trends. If you lean more towards stylish and feminine chic then you can have a lot of fun with pastels, florals and all things texture and dimension. The same is for farmhouse. Sticking to rustic throughout will carry your theme through the home.

Diversity is key when it comes to your design. While it is recommended to stick with what you are most comfortable with you should also take a small step outside of your comfort zone. You can enjoy the farmhouse and country chic style and still have some modern touches. The same is for the modern all metal and straight-line design; you can toss in a whimsical lantern with a bright colored candle inside to add a dramatic flair and pop of color without sacrificing your style.

Photo frames can be a wonderful way to decorate and bring color and personal touches into your space. Just because your home is straight line with metal and hard edges does not mean you are limited to that design in regard to photo frames. You can have wonderful family prints on stretched canvas and create a beautiful portrait wall that includes your favorite frames and some with color. If you cannot find the frames displaying your favorite color, then simply buy basic and a can of spray paint and have some fun. You can turn basic into bright purple or alluring turquois with just a few minutes and a little bit of creativity. Also any custom photograph frames add a lot of decorative accent to a space while sticking with your favorite design style.

Once you have decorated the walls with frames, pictures, textiles and three dimensional objects like wreaths or wall hanging planters you can then move on to the table tops and furniture. A few fun throw pillows can warm up a space. Have fun with your pillows. The print options are nearly endless when it comes to online wholesale ecommerce stores. You can also incorporate a comfortable and soft throw blanket to add some more warmth and dimension to your space. Some candles and a few decorative accent pieces like lamps, Knick knacks or accent wall pieces can really make a space feel inviting and comfortable.

If you find yourself confused on your design and having a difficult time incorporating the wall art, pictures, frames and accents then you might want to spend some time browsing the aisles at your local furniture store to get spark some inspiration. Decorative magazines and crafting sites will also help you pull together your design and incorporate it with some other stylish choices.

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