6 Reasons Employees Hate Training

6 Reasons Employees Hate Training

Training is important to unlock the full potential of employees, making them instrumental in the success of an organization. However, many companies get training wrong. As a result, employees hate training, making it a waste of time and money. In this article, we’ll talk about the most common reasons why employees hate training and what the management can do about it.

6 Reasons Employees Hate Training

1. It Has a Generic Approach

Employees don’t like generic training programs. The management should never see employees as a whole. Rather, they should be taken as individuals with valuable contributions. So, training programs need to be personalized based on the needs of each employee. A good starting point is to assess what the workers need, and from here, the management can design effective training programs. If you are looking for customized employee training, check out how https://www.trueofficelearning.com/ can help.

2. It is Too Long

Lengthy training programs can be ineffective and overwhelming. This will make it difficult for employees to digest what they are supposed to learn in the training. The easiest solution is to use e-learning software. This will break down training materials into modules that will be easier to comprehend. The materials are often available in lengths of three to five minutes.

3. It is Inaccessible

Accessibility is one of the best ways to make training more effective. If it is limited in a conventional classroom set-up, training can fail. If it is more accessible, employees will have the freedom to access it anytime and anywhere. They can learn even in the comfort of their homes. This will also allow them to refresh the things they learn from the training program.

4. It is Boring

Even if training programs are short, if it is boring, it can also be ineffective. Gamification of employee training is one of the best ways to make learning more engaging and entertaining. This can also help promote friendly competition within the organization. Aside from gamification, training programs can also incorporate audio and video to arouse the interests of the participants.

5. It Focuses on the Business

Another reason why employees hate training is when they see that it is all about the business and not about the trainees. To address this issue, organizations should look beyond their needs, and instead, focus on the needs of the employees.

6. It is Invaluable

If employees do not see the value of the training program, they will end up with resistance. With this, before the training, the management should identify how it can benefit the employees. When they have something to gain out of it, they will be encouraged to participate.

Companies spend a lot in implementing training programs with the hope that it will equip employees with the right knowledge and skills. However, it can be a waste of resources if employees will hate the training program. To prevent this from happening, take note of our recommendations above, such as making it customized, incorporating elements of gamification, and being clear on how it can benefit employees.